James Kirk | Chief Interstellar Officer
A really great day is…..
Moving through the universe at warp speed, fighting a Gorn (and winning) then chatting up a blue skinned beauty in a galactic bar.
Coolest place you’ve ever been?
Tie; the Genesis Planet and the Nexus where Picard found me.
Star Trek or Star Wars; why?
Seriously? Nothing about Star Wars is believable, nothing.
What’s on your playlist?
Let’s Get Together and Have Some Fun, by that way out act from Eden, and I have a mix tape of Spock shredding on the Vulcan Harp, very rare.
One of your favorite things to do?
Boldly go where no man has gone before.
If you could go anyplace in the world?
The world, just the world?
What is your super power?
I can seduce beings from anywhere in the universe.